Thursday, January 3, 2008

It's Fudging COLD~

Ok ok.... I now see the global warming in effect. Its the freakin coldest its been in like 4 yrs in florida.... I actually had to wrap up my freakin palm tree. What is up with this!!!! I thought one day I would like to live in the snow. How nice... I thought. NOT. I realize now I do kinda like it warm. I don't like to actually have to do work like wrap up a stupid palm tree and make sure there are no exposed pipes. Some would say that 20 degrees is nothing. meybee.... but it was in the 70s a few days ago... (hi) and the low was like 56. So yah-- thats a big difference. I actually had to dress up kid one with thick sweat pants, a thermal shirt and a sweat shirt and socks for bed... Kid 2 is dressed in a one piece (including footies) polar fleece (with hood) suit to sleep in. When he poops its a pain in the butt to change him, but he's like a warm, toasty brick. I am dressed insweat pants, a long sleeved shirt, a hoodie and my hubbies socks... and I have a extra layer of warmth from the leg hair I forgot to shave last saturday ((this is a task I choose to save for once a week--saturday-- so my legs will be properly hair free for church on Sunday)). So I will bask, for now, in my 2 blankets, xtra layers of clothing and the heat set at Goodnight, and Goodluck. hehe

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